Saturday, April 17, 2010

Awesome Contest on Late Bloomer

April 17, 2010

Review and Giveaway

Since it is no secret that we absolutely LOVED The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy we are going to do our review a little differently this time around. We want to tell you the 5 things that Kay Cassidy taught us with The Cinderella Society…

1.Everyone – and we do mean everyone- has a signature style. It may be trendy, preppy, sporty, conservative, or a mix such as sexy meets sporty, or comfy with a side of trendy, (mine is pink, and classy yet trendy)… but regardless everyone has one. Know what yours is, own it and love it! It is part of what makes you, YOU!

2.Every girl loves makeovers! It doesn't matter if the makeover is for someone else or yourself, makeovers are fun! It could be a new lipgloss, learning to make a smoky eye with fun new eyeshadows, or just buying a new nail polish for your toes,! Products, new clothes and a gorgeous hair cut, make a girl happy! DON'T be afraid to try something new or to show others your true style!

3.Secret societies are COOL! If you don’t want to form a Cindy Society of your own after reading The Cinderella Society, then perhaps someone put the TCS cover on a different book and you read the wrong one, because girl power is AWESOME! One girl can make a difference for sure, but a society of girls all aimed at making a difference??? LOOK OUT WORLD!!!!!!!

4.Wicked Chatter is NEVER okay! What is wicked chatter you ask? It is when you talk or think negatively of yourself, or are mean to others. We were reminded in The Cinderella Society how toxic Wicked Chatter can be! It is hurtful not only to other people, but to ones own self. It is important to love yourself, and to remember to treat others how you want to be treated! Is it always easy??? HECK NO! But doing the right thing, and setting an example to those around you is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than anything a Wicked person could ever say or do!

5.Romance makes us happy!!! In the book, Jess Parker has a crush on Ryan Steele, the super hot boy that has now made the list of fictional characters we have a crush on! Kay doesn’t take Jess and Ryan down the easy high school love shmoozy-woozy path, rather their relationship is more realistic. Love is easy, but great relationships… well they take time, work, effort, and understanding in order to work. Just like anything else, when it comes to love, being true to yourself is important! When you are dating or in a relationship it is easy to become what the other person wants you to be, but remember... the person you’re with, should want to be with YOU for YOU! YOU ARE AMAZING!

So there you have it! I hope that you love The Cinderella Society as much as we do! We couldn't be more excited about the release this week and to celebrate we are giving away a SIGNED ARC of The Cinderella Society, along with an HONORARY CINDY bracelet we had made, just for the occassion! Please see the rules for entering below!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I wish I had a cool book blog

I have no idea how to make cool backgrounds or even a sidebar.....but I truly enjoy everyone elses!

A new Fav: Cleverly Inked Button

AWESOME Contest!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Twilight in Forks

I cannot express how much I LOVE the Twilight in Forks movie. It made me cry! I can honestly say I went to Forks because of Twilight, but I'm going back because of Forks. I really believe I will move there eventually. Once my kids are grown and out on their own maybe. The place haunts me, the mountains and the smell of the ocean followed me home in my dreams.  I can't wait to go back!